Bernard Awards 2004

Bernard was awarded eleven
important prizes in 2004

Humpolec, 14 January 2005 – The Bernard Family Brewery was awarded altogether 11 important prizes in 2004. Apart from the prizes traditionally awarded for the quality of non-pasteurised beer Bernard at various beer tasting competitions in the Czech Republic, the Brewery was successful in the journalist’s enquiry organised by the Czech Association of Breweries and Malt Houses (ČSPaS) – known as “Our Beer 2004” and in the competition “CZECH TOP 100 in 2004”.

“The awards were obtained especially by the beers with addition of fine culture yeast which are sold in the bottle with a resealable cap, by celebration lager and special dark beer,” says Ing. Josef Vávra, Production Director and Co-owner of the Brewery in his assessment of the successful year, and adds: “We obtained altogether eight awards for the quality of our beer last year.” 

The list of achievements is completed with the comments of Ing. Stanislav Bernard, Managing Director of the Brewery:
“An important success is the third place in the unique Czech journalist’s enquiry concerning the popularity of individual brands of beer in the Czech Republic known as “Our Beer 2004” organised by ČSPaS  within the framework of the competition “Czech Beer of the Year 2004”. More than 100 journalists were voting in the enquiry, and the Bernard brand was evaluated as one of the most popular brands of beer in the Czech Republic.”

The Brewery was founded in Humpolec in 1597 and in 1991 it was privatised.
It brews seven types of non-pasteurised beer Bernard and distributes beer to approximately 1600 restaurants all over the Czech Republic, its beer is also exported to Slovakia, Sweden, Germany, Croatia and Russia. It employs 90 employees and its production volume in 2004 was 127,700 hectolitres of beer, which represents an annual growth by 4 per cent.

End of the Press Release.
For other information:
Zdeněk Mikulášek,  tel.: 565 532 407



List of prizes awarded to the Bernard Family Brewery in 2004:

1st place: Czech Beer Seal in Tábor, special dark beer 13%
CZECH TOP 100 –The most admired firm of the Czech Moravian Highlands 2004
CZECH TOP 100 – 4th place in the category of food and tobacco industry
1st place: Beer of the Czech Republic in České Budějovice, special dark beer 13%
3rd place: Beer of the Czech Republic in České Budějovice, special light beer OX
2nd place: Professional Beer Tasting Competition in Žatec, special dark beer with addition of fine culture yeast
3rd place Professional Beer Tasting Competition in Žatec, semi-dark lager Bernard
3rd place Professional Beer Tasting Competition in Žatec, celebration lager Bernard with addition of fine culture yeast
3rd place: Journalist’s Enquiry “Our Beer 2004” in Prague
3rd place: Association of Beer Friends, Černá Hora, semi-dark lager Bernard
3rd place: Association of Beer Friends, Černá Hora, celebration lager Bernard with addition of fine culture yeast